Letter From Marcy

therapistFrom the Desk of Massage Therapist Marcy Tannenbaum…


My name is Marcy Tannenbaum and I am probably among one of the longest practicing massage therapist in the area. When I graduated from my massage school, it was my goal to become skillful in the fundamentals of Swedish Massage, these are Effleurage (stroking), Petrissage (kneading), Tapotment (percussion) and Friction (circular/cross fiber deep tissue manipulation). When Swedish is done proficiently, it has a profound healing and relaxing effect. It simply just feels so good.

I believe in the power of Swedish Massage and remain dedicated to developing this along with other styles. Swedish was developed by Henrik Ling. I often say to people that his method was developed from Chinese Tuina Massage. He omitted the acupressure portion of Tuina. How could he sell the massage to the Europeans if he started talking about invisible life forces known as Chi Energy? This is just speculation on my part.

My massage incorporates the acupressure portion and many of the variations of the four basic techniques. Traditional styles of massage that I do blend well together. They all shared with each other from the beginning.

I guess you can say I give an old fashioned style of massage. This is my passion. This is what I have found feels best and is effective at the same time. I do have some newer techniques in my repertoire such as my Fascial Release. It is good to be open to new things, but I am drawn to Traditional Massage.

Massage is both an Art and a Science. Receiving a massage is a skill that I encourage my clients to develop. Having a quiet mind, breathing deeply, awareness of body tension and letting go of it and giving good feedback, enhance the effectiveness of the massage manifold. Receiving a massage with an uptight body and busy mind has little effect.  

I remain in the same downtown location, slightly off the beaten path (two blocks in from Main Street) because it too adds to the tranquility and hopefully special aspects of the massage.

The body is wired to heal itself and my goal is to work with clients to tap into this resource. It has been my honor and joy to do this work and I look forward to meeting new clients and continuing with present clients in this very special healing relationship.
